Latitude memungkinkan pengguna untuk berbagi lokasi tempat mereka berada dengan teman dan keluarga. Walaupun demikian, feature terbaru ini tidak akan menunjukkan lokasi spesifik tempat pengguna berada tapi memberikan informasi bahwa pengguna sedang berada di suatu lokasi pada waktu tertentu.
Mempermudah Anda membaca pengalaman
Google Reader menampilkan semua situs favorit Anda dalam satu tempat. Ini seperti a personal inbox untuk seluruh web.
Temukan konten baru
Jutaan mempublikasikan feed situs dengan update terbaru, dan Feed Search yang terintegrasi kami akan memudahkan untuk menemukan konten baru yang menarik bagi Anda.
2. Berbagi dengan teman-teman Anda
Merekomendasikan artikel ke teman Anda
Dengan Google Reader, Anda dapat berbagi item favorit dengan teman-teman Anda, cukup dengan mengirimkan link yang relevan untuk mereka.
Berbagi hanya dengan satu klik
Klik sharing icon pada setiap item dan akan segera muncul pada halaman utama.
Spice up your site
Apakah Anda memiliki sebuah situs web atau blog?. Dapat menambahkan klip yang akan menampilkan item terbaru anda pada bagian pinggir situs.
3. Membaca di mana saja dan kapan saja
Menambahkan Google Reader ke iGoogle
Menambahkan Google Reader gadget ke iGoogle untuk melihat pembaruan secara sekilas.
Membaca di mana saja
Google Reader dapat bekerja pada browser ponsel. Apakah Anda sedang menunggu di antrian atau naik kereta api, Google Reader Anda tetap terhubung.
Menggunakan Google Reader pada komputer
Anda dapat mengakses akun Google Reader dari komputer manapun dengan akses online. Apakah anda di rumah, di tempat kerja atau di luar negeri, Bacaan langganan Anda tinggal akan selalu bersama Anda.
Stay up to date
Google Reader constantly checks your favorite news sites and blogs for new content. Whether a site updates daily or monthly, you can be sure that you won't miss a thing.
Simplify your reading experience
Google Reader shows you all of your favorite sites in one convenient place. It's like a personalized inbox for the entire web.
Tanpa menggunakan Google Notebook, mungkin setiap anggota akan menyimpan data/dokumen yang ditemukan pada sebuah file dan mengirimkannya ke anggota lain melalui e-mail atau media lainnya.
Dengan menggunakan Google Notebook, setiap anggota dapat dengan mudah menyimpan text, link, atau image pada browser ke sebuah account Google Notebook yang dapat diakses oleh setiap anggotanya secara online.
Dan telah tersedia juga extension untuk Google Notebook sehingga akan memudahkan anda browsing sambil menggunakan Google Notebook. Setelah extension itu di-install, maka akan tampil sebuah icon Google Notebook pada kanan bawah browser anda. (Mozilla Firefox dan Internet Explorer). Anda juga dapat memasukkan konten ke Google Notebook dengan klik kanan dan memilih menu Note This pada icon Google Notebook tersebut.
If you spend a lot of time online, chances are you've come across information you wish you could revisit later, whether to digest it more slowly, investigate it further, or share it with a friend or colleague. With Google Notebook, you can browse, clip, and organize information from across the web in a single online location that's accessible from any computer. Crafting a lesson plan? Researching a topic? Just add clippings to your notebook. You don't even have to leave your browser window.
To try it out, simply sign in to the Google Notebook homepage with your Google Account username and password, then download the Google Notebook browser extension. As soon as you restart your browser, you'll see a Google Notebook icon in the bottom-right corner of your browser window. Click on this icon to open your mini Google Notebook, where you can save clips of any online content that interests you.
Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. The Android SDK provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications to run on Android-powered devices.
This site provides information about Google projects based on the Android platform, such as external libraries that extend the Android platform, Android applications, hosted services and APIs, and more. The site is still in transition, so please check back from time to time.
Page adalah seorang lulusan dari East Lansing High School. Page memperoleh gelar Bachelor of Science dalam teknik komputer dari Universitas Michigan dengan pujian dan seorang lulusan Master dari Universitas Standford.
Ketika menjadi seorang siswa di program Ph.D. ilmu komputer Universitas Stanford, Page bertemu Sergey Brin. Bersama mereka menjalankan mesin pencari Google, yang mulai beroperasi pada 1998. Google didasarkan pada teknologi PageRank yang telah dipatenkan, yang mendasarkan pada struktur link - link antar situs web untuk menentukan peringkat suatu situs tertentu. Page masih tetap on leave dari program Ph.D.
Ketika di universitas, dia membuat mesin cetak inkjet dari potongan-potongan balok Lego.
Page menjalankan Google sebagai presiden bersama dengan Brin sampai 2001, ketika mereka merekrut Eric Schmidt untuk menjadi ketua umum dan CEO Google. Page sekarang menjalankan Google sebagai tritunggal bersama dengan Brin dan Schmidt.
Menurut Forbes, Page mempunyai perkiraan kekayaan bersih sebesar AS$12,8 milyar, membuatnya orang nomor 27 terkaya di dunia (satu tempat di belakang pendiri lain Google, Sergey Brin). Pada September 2005 dia dan pendiri Google lainnya, Sergey Brin, membeli sebuah pesawat penumpang yang sangat besar, sebuah Boeing 767, untuk penggunaan pribadi mereka.
Google X was a project released by Google Labs on March 15, 2005 and rescinded a day later. It consisted of the traditional Google search bar, but it was made to look like the Dock user interface feature of Apple's Mac OS X operating system. [1]
Google has not released any official statement as to why the project was shut down. Apple has patent protection covering the implementation of the Dock effect, together with trademark protection for the graphical design elements of the Dock.
Since Google X has been taken down, several mirrors still exist.
Bangunan dekat Googleplex meliputi ALZA Plaza dan Mozilla Foundation di barat; Shoreline Amphitheatre di utara; Intuit di baratlaut dan Century Theatres, komplek penelitian Microsoft Corporation di Silicon Valley, dan Museum Sejarah Komputer di selatan. Lapangan Terbang Moffett terletak di timur.
Bulan September 2007, NASA menyatakan bahwa para pendiri Google telah membuka akses ke Lapangan Terbang Moffett untuk Boeing 767 mereka dan dua Gulfstream V dengan membayar $1.3 juta dan membolehkan NASA menggunakan pesawat itu untuk kepentingan penelitian.
The Googleplex is the corporate headquarters complex of Google, Inc., located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway in Mountain View, Santa Clara County, California, near San Jose. The name Googleplex is a play on words, being a portmanteau of Google and complex, and a reference to googolplex, the name given to the large number 10googol.Facilities and History
The four core buildings, totaling 506,317 ft² (47,038 m²), were built for and originally occupied by Silicon Graphics (SGI). The office space and corporate campus is located within a larger 26-acre (110,000 m2) site that contains Charleston Park, a 5-acre (20,000 m2) public park; improved access to Permanente Creek; and public trails that connect the corporate site to Shoreline Park and the Bay Trail. The project, launched in 1994 to reclaim a former industrial brownfield, was a creative collaboration between SGI, STUDIOS Architecture in San Francisco, SWA Group of San Francisco and Sausalito, and the Planning and Community Development Agency of the City of Mountain View. The objective was to develop in complementary fashion the privately-owned corporate headquarters and adjoining public greenspace. Key design decisions placed parking for nearly 2000 cars underground, enabling SWA to integrate the two open spaces with water features, shallow pools, fountains, pathways, and plazas. The project was completed in 1997.
The ASLA noted in 1999 that the SGI project was a significant departure from typical corporate campuses, challenging conventional thinking about private and public space.
The former SGI facilities were leased by Google beginning in 2003. In June 2006, Google purchased some of Silicon Graphics' properties, including the Googleplex, for $319 million.
Although the buildings are of relatively low height, the complex covers a large area. The interior of the headquarters is furnished with items like shade lamps and giant rubber balls. The lobby contains a piano and a projection of current live Google search queries. The facilities include a gym (Building 40), free laundry rooms (Buildings 40 and 42), two small swimming pools, a sand volleyball court, and eleven cafeterias of diverse selection. Google has even installed replicas of SpaceShipOne and a dinosaur skeleton.
In late 2006 and early 2007 the company installed a series of solar panels, capable of producing 1.6 megawatts of electricity. At the time, it was believed to be the largest corporate installation in the United States. About 30 percent of the Googleplex's electricity needs will be fulfilled by this project, with the remainder being purchased. About one third of the panels will be in the form of "solar trees" mounted on poles above parking lots, with the remainder placed on rooftops.
The solar panel project went online on 18 June 2007. As of 21 June 2007 Google has installed over 90% of the 9,212 solar panels that comprise the 1.6 megawatt project.
The Googleplex is located between Charleston Road, Amphitheatre Parkway, and Shoreline Boulevard in north Mountain View, California close to the Shoreline Park wetlands. Employees living in San Francisco or the East Bay may take a wifi-enabled Google subsidized shuttle to and from work. It is powered by domestically grown and processed biodiesel.Neighbors of the Googleplex include ALZA Plaza and the Mozilla Foundation to the west; Shoreline Amphitheatre to the north; Intuit to the northwest and Century Theatres, Microsoft Corporation's Silicon Valley research complex, and the Computer History Museum to the south. Moffett Field lies nearby to the east.
In September 2007, NASA revealed that Google's founders had secured access to Moffett Field for their Boeing 767 and two Gulfstream Vs by paying a $1.3 million fee and allowing NASA to use the aircraft for scientific expeditions.Google didirikan oleh Larry Page dan Sergey Brin ketika mereka masih mahasiswa di Universitas Stanford dan perusahaan ini merupakan perusahaan saham pribadi pada 7 September 1998. Penawaran umum perdananya dimulai pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2004, mengumpulkan dana $1,67 milyar, menjadikannya bernilai $23 milyar. Melalui berbagai jenis pengembangan produk baru, pengambil alihan dan mitra, perusahaan ini telah memperluas bisnis pencarian dan iklan awalnya hingga ke area lainnya, termasuk email berbasis web, pemetaan online, produktivitas perusahaan, dan bertukar video.